Finally! A Proven SYSTEM that Gets You Highly-Paid Speaking Gigs - GUARANTEED - 

Even if You've Never Spoken Before and Nobody Knows Who You Are


(Give Me TWELVE Minutes and I'll Show You How This Plan Will Get You Booked Solid to Share Your Message in the High-Paying Corporate Market Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible)


It's Got to Be Said...Worse Speakers Than You are Getting More Gigs at Higher Fees

Sucks, right?

I know, I know everybody thinks that giving the world’s greatest speech, writing a bestselling book, or sending a thousand emails a day is the best way to get gigs. But it’s just not true.

You can easily get booked for high fees in the corporate world without doing ANY of that.

Sure, it’s true that counting ‘ums’ at Toastmasters combined with awkward networking, cold outreach, and endlessly posting on social media MIGHT work to get you your flood of bookings.



With enough luck.

But the speakers we work with are building the high-paying corporate speaking businesses that they love - and they're doing it quickly - even if they're just starting out and no one knows who they are.

And it's all because they've got something working for them that you don't. 

And without it, you don't stand a chance in hell of making it in the corporate speaking world. 

Yeah, it's harsh and that's why nobody else is telling you this cold hard reality. Nobody else is willing to spill the beans on what it really takes to get booked.

Until now…

Hi, I'm Tim. Let Me Tell You How a "No-Name" Like Me Commands High Fee$ in the Corporate Market - And How You Can Do it Too

I’m about to describe some pretty ridiculous stuff that people are saying you need to do to get booked. Stuff that you’ve probably tried – and stuff that I'm willing to bet hasn’t ever worked.

Look, I'm not here to shame you.

It's not your fault at all. You've just never been taught the RIGHT way.

No. It's worse than that.

You're being taught the WRONG way.

Here's just SOME of the "strategies" I've seen speakers use (and teach!) in an attempt to break in to the corporate speaking market:

  1. Beg anyone and everyone to let you speak for free. The bank teller looks confused when you say you want to cash in on all that "exposure" you got. Security is called.

  2. Wait for "word-of-mouth" to kick in - which feels like getting kicked in the mouth.

  3. Practice your speech...for your cat - who walks out halfway through.

  4. Buy a list of 5,000 meeting planners. Do cold outreach. Get the cold shoulder.

  5. Join Toastmasters. Count some "ums." Feel the "ugh."

  6. Submit yourself to the bureaus. Then submit yourself to the rejection.

  7. Post some quotes on social media. Waste 40 minutes scrolling aimlessly. Go back to see if the little numbers next to the little hearts went up. Repeat until eyes bleed.

  8. Get some new business cards made just so you can go to all the networking events (that you hate.)

  9. Go all-in on Instagram. Just kidding. Make that Clubhouse. No wait....THREADS!

  10. Google speakers who are more successful than you. Get depressed.

  11. Decide to start a podcast. Spend months researching. Quit after 2 episodes to start a blog instead...then a YouTube channel...then a Facebook page...then a...

  12. Fill out 279 "Calls for Speakers." Get ZERO calls from planners.

  13. Send your "weekly" email newsletter out once per month. (To twelve of your friends.)

  14. Nag a few meeting planners on LinkedIn. Demand an explanation when they don't hire you. Deal with the restraining order later.

  15. Max out your credit cards on an expensive web site, 1-sheet, and sizzle reel. Show it to your mom. She doesn't book you.

  16. Obsess over article marketing, SEO, networking, PPC ads, branding, postcard marketing, and every other DISTRACTION that comes along.

  17. Go to a speaker's association meeting and find someone to whine with about the speaking business being "all dried up."

  18. Set a SMART goal. Hell, make it a BHAG. Say your affirmations. Wait for it to manifest.

  19. Work on your "branding" (because a few new colors and a rhyming slogan are what's finally going to open the floodgates for you.) Fiddle with your website. Fiddle it back. Tell yourself it was a productive day.

  20. "Just" finish your book! "Just" raise your fee! Awwww, would you "just" SHUT UP!!!

How many of these have YOU tried?

How much has it COST you?

How LONG has it been?

Enough is ENOUGH!!!!!

Either the "gurus" teaching that stuff have never done what they teach, or they did it twenty years ago and times have changed, or they did it in some market other than corporate. Or maybe they just got lucky with a bestselling book or some other claim to fame and they really believe it was their magical tactics that got them booked. I want to believe they're not purposefully misleading you. But come on...


At least not for new and emerging speakers. Think about it:

Good advice at the wrong time - IS BAD ADVICE!

Again, there is NO SHAME here. I fell into the same exact traps. For THREE YEARS I tried everything and followed all the experts' advice. I bought lists, sent mailings, did networking and free gigs, worked on my "branding," submitted to web sites and bureaus, did cold email and LinkedIn outreach - I did all of it and more.


How could it? I was a no-name with no budget, no web site, no demo video, no prospects, and no hope of any prospects. Nobody wanted me and there was nothing I could do or say to change anyone's mind.

And then...

That's When I Discovered the KEY

It wasn't about trying to "Frankenstein" a speaking business together with a little bit of this and a little bit of that and then waiting for lightning to strike.

It wasn't about going after speaking gigs willy-nilly. Haphazard. Like throwing a bunch of spaghetti against the wall and hoping something sticks.

It was about creating a PLAN - a real system - a "machine" that took out all the guesswork, randomness, and chaos out of my business.

Instead of just "chasing the next gig," I sat down to really work on my speaking business. Over several months, I dissected exactly what worked, what didn’t, and what was missing.

Then I organized everything into categories, resources, and steps – so that I would never again do anything that didn’t work to effectively build my speaking business. I laid it all out so it was simple and easy to understand and make happen.

It cost me long weekends, sleepless nights, and a boatload of money, time, and effort – because if I didn’t have the resources, I had to buy or build them myself.

When I finally had everything in place, I was beat – but I knew deep down it was the answer I’d been looking for.

So, rather than constantly and frantically chasing after gigs, I had an engine in place, up and running on my behalf.

And when I stopped "trying to book gigs" and developed my plan, suddenly:

Everything Changed!

And it's been a wild ride ever since...

  • I do regular gigs at 5-figure fees. (Plus first-class air travel, limo rides, and 5-star lodging.)

  • Penguin Random House gave me a book deal (with a fat advance.)

  • I've been featured in hundreds of major media outlets, including Forbes, Harvard Business Review, The Today Show, Wall Street Journal, Inc. Magazine, etc.

  • I'm lucky to have dozens of Fortune 500 clients - who graciously treat me like a king.

  • I've got the freedom to say "no" to any gig or fire any annoying client.

  • I was invited to stand on the red dot and give a TEDx talk.

  • I've done hundreds of paid gigs in 48 states and internationally - including tropical paradises.

  • I've been recruited and booked by top speaker's bureaus. 

  • I've got an email list of over 10,000 fans - a small army of people who want to hear from me, learn from me, and buy whatever I decide to create.

  • I have FUN, doing what I love most in this world.

Clearly, it changed everything for me. I wasn’t chasing after gigs, going crazy hoping someone would return my email. I wasn’t squirming in my seat as I quoted a price because I was so desperate I’d take anything they offered just to get a chance to stand on stage. 

Because FINALLY, I was in command of my own destiny and I knew that with this system in place working for me day in, day out, I would never have to worry about booking gigs ever again.

But Then I Wondered…
"Would This Work for Anyone Else?"

By this point, other speakers were already asking me how I was having so much success. Before I knew it, I had become an "accidental business coach" and was regularly meeting with new and aspiring speakers from all over the world and sharing my system with them.

Their results made me fall into the nearest chair and heave a slack-jawed, bug-eyed sigh of wonder and pride...

Here's Just Some of the Results People Have Gotten by Applying the PLAN...


"Hundreds of thousands, if not half a million dollars, in direct speaker income – just from the work I did with Tim over a couple of months." - Brian Miller

"Tim David has changed my life." - Enrique Fiallo


"The community is ELECTRIC." - Cindy Finch, LCSW

"This was the missing piece for me." - Brienne Hennessey


Booked six gigs. One in Oslo. One for my ideal clients. "I'm really excited about that!"
- Leslie Martinich

"When I first started...I was all over the place. Now I confidently say, 'I charge $10,000'."
- Megan Bendtzen


"They handed me an envelope with a $3,000.00 balance payment. At that moment I thought, 'This is REAL!'"
- Dr. Myke Merrill

Two speaking requests already...

"Got two speaking requests already from my last speech. One to speak at Deloitte, and one for a PR agency in NYC. Not bad! There were only 12 people in the audience. LOL!" - Alan Samuel Cohen

This thing is dynamite!

"I can honestly say that I have more leads and interest than from the whole of the last couple of years combined. I've already had a conversation this morning with someone who wants to pay me to come and deliver a workshop to his staff. This thing is dynamite!" - Will Baldry, UK

The sky's the limit!

"I wanted to bring my message of healing to people in the corporate world, but I wasn't sure exactly what they wanted or how to speak their language. Tim has given me the tools and guidance to craft a powerful message that I know will sell. Before, I was doing local libraries and community organizations. Now, the sky's the limit!" - Maria DePasquale

Two gigs booked...both highly-paid

"I have just been asked to give a keynote at one event, AND...a workshop and keynote at another. One is in August and the other is for January. These are both highly paid as well as the first two paid presentations from using Tim's system." - Mike Van De Carr

That's Why I Decided To Open the Doors Even More – So Now You Can Finally Have Everything You Need to Build Your Own Six-Figure Speaking Business...the Right Way

That means you can stop trying to Frankenstein your speaking business together.

(We both know how well that approach works. It’s a sure path to frustration.)

That means you can stop waiting for someone to come along and "discover you."

...An agent.

...A bureau.

...A television executive.

...A PR firm.

...A publisher.

...A TEDx organizer.

Hear me on this: Every single one of them are looking for PROVEN. That means that they don't want you, until you don't need them.

And you don't need them. Not in today's world, you don't.

Today, if you want to be a radio host - don't wait. Start a podcast.

Today, if you want to be a TV star - don't wait. Start a YouTube channel.

And today, if you want to be a paid professional speaker - don't wait. Walk the plan.

Prove that you're consistently bookable BY GETTING CONSISTENTLY BOOKED. Choose a proven path… a tested formula… a recipe you can rely on to build a speaking business that enables you to get your message out to the world, while at the same time create the rewards you deserve.

Then let the bureaus and agents fight over you. After all, no one will be able to book you if you can't even book yourself.

I'm excited to announce...
"6-FIGURES SPEAKING: The Complete Professional Speaker Acceleration Course, Toolkit, Group Mentorship, and Community"

It’s not something I pulled out of thin air, like some rabbit from a hat. 

It’s a carefully engineered, tested, step-by-step blueprint for your speaking business. As you’ll see, it’s packed with every single thing you’ll ever need along this your journey to onstage success. 

Sure, there’s lots of “stuff” – but it's not just about the "stuff" that you get.

It's about the years of experience and the multitudes of embarrassing mistakes and lost gigs along the way.

It's about skipping that part where you waste years following the traditional "bad guru advice" (and wasting thousands on the courses that just tell you to send hundreds of cold emails.) 

It’s about fast-tracking your career to the place you’ve always dreamt it could be.

If a highly-paid keynotes were like your favorite meal, then 6-FIGURES SPEAKING isn't just the "recipe" for cooking up keynotes from scratch. It's more like having a top chef show you every step of the way - oh, and giving you all the ingredients portioned out perfectly in neat little glass bowls.

What's Included? Here's How Each Element of This Program Works Together to Bring You Gigs on a Silver Platter...


Everything starts with messaging.

What your topic is and how you position it in the corporate marketplace is make-or-break stuff.

No one needs more information. The world is drowning in information.


Ideas and information are like a block of granite. Clarity is like the beautiful sculpture hidden within.

This messaging intensive is designed to chisel out your clear, concise, and compelling message for corporate audiences and make you infinitely more bookable.


1-on-1 Messaging Strategy Session With Tim David

More than anything else, speakers struggle with messaging - even after participating in the messaging intensive workshop!

Having someone with inside knowledge of the speaking industry take the time to hear you out, and then TRANSLATE your messaging into the corporate arena isn't just valuable - it's business-saving.

Element #2: GIG-GETTING BOOTCAMP - So You Can Execute the PLAN for Quick Wins that Lead to Long-Term Success

Twelve weeks.

Live, group sessions with Tim every week. Everything is recorded.

Expect late-breaking info, hotseat feedback, motivation, and resource recommendations along the way, but we've got one focus in mind...

Book gigs.

There's an intense, laser-focus on quick wins that support your long-term success plan.

This is where you'll learn all the gig-getting strategies that you could ever want and start turning them into gigs. 

You'll learn the plan. We'll DO the plan, together. And your 2024 booking calendar won't know what hit it.

Element #3: VIDEO WALKTHROUGHS LIBRARY (LIFETIME ACCESS) - So You NEVER Have to Wonder What to Do Next

During Bootcamp, you'll learn what to do. The VIDEO WALKTHROUGHS show you how to do it.

This library is loaded up with bite-sized, step-by-step, action-oriented video tutorials that take you by the hand and walk you through every step of the entire process. So you never have to worry, wonder, or guess what to do next. It’s all laid out for you in a way that’s easy, simple, and clear.

Not only that, but there are also tools, resource guides, checklists, fill-in-the-blank worksheets, scripts, templates, documents, and so much DONE-FOR-YOU stuff included that you'll be able to hit the ground running faster than I ever did.

Element #4: ONGOING SUPPORT - So You Can Get Answers to Everything that Comes Up WHEN it Comes Up

Once you graduate Bootcamp, you'll be gifted a one year membership in our Inner Circle program.

Part Q&A with Tim, part mastermind think tank, part networking group, and part accountability group, it's a community of diverse speakers who all share the same mission and are on the same path - get booked, get paid, help people.

These weekly sessions will re-energize you and keep you focused on your goals.

(And yes, these are recorded too.)

While These Elements are Getting You Booked (Giving You Fish) They're Also Teaching You the Insider Secrets of Getting Booked (How to Fish)

I’ve done all the heavy lifting for you. All you’ll need to do is follow THE PLAN. I've done everything short of getting up on stage and speaking FOR you!

Throughout the SIX FIGURES SPEAKING Program You'll Discover...

  • My complete, turnkey system for getting on stages by next month.

  • My ENTIRE 39-point action item checklist that turns gigs into multiple gigs and multiple pay days (including the now-famous "$12,000 piece of paper.")

  • Exactly what to do the next time someone asks for "more information" so that a hot lead never slips away again.

  • How to market and sell yourself, set your fees, negotiate, and book the darn gigs!

  • Forget about “paying your dues.” I’ll show you how to be the kind of “overnight success story” that the other speakers are jealous of.

  • How to talk to prospects so you don’t sound like an inexperienced, uninitiated idiot.

  • Where to FIND prospects in the first place!

  • The EXACT 5-part system for going from a casual inquiry to a booked gig - paperwork and all!

  • And SO much more! (But...)

The goal is to give you literally get EVERYTHING that you need to get started as a wildly successful speaker in today's (post-COVID and AI-disrupted) marketplace - and NOTHING that you don't. No distractions. No rabbit trails. No ego trips.

Just a straight-line path from where you are to where you want to be.

So, Now You're Wondering About the Investment...

I wrestled with this, wondering what the investment should be. Too much and you’d run away, not realizing the value – and the future – that you’d be leaving behind. Too little and you wouldn’t take it seriously. (Who would believe that a complete six-figure speaking business strategy and plan could be had for under ten grand?) Or even worse, if it's too low, it might end up sitting on a shelf, gathering dust, and doing you no good.

So, I did some math.

What if you followed the plan, what’s the worst outcome you could possibly get? Maybe only one gig for $4500? – or maybe three at $2000? Not a lot to expect or even hope for when the goal is six figures.

So, I chose to set the investment at $5700. That seems pretty fair and makes it almost a no-brainer decision, financially speaking.

Especially because we've partnered with to offer custom installment plans for any budget. That way, you could get into the program with a low upfront investment, then bankroll the rest of the payments with the gigs that you book.

Or just take care of it all-in and with no hassle. Boom. Easy.

Whatever works best for you. Because if you were truly meant to do this, then it would be stupid to let money get in the way of that.

Total Investment


(Pays for itself in one average-paying gig)

Join NOW

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"My wife still says that the program was one of the best investments I've made."

- Matthew Neely, Pastor and Speaker, Ohio

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Sign up and log into the member's area. Have a look around. Jump on our group calls. Take 30 days to decide if the program, workshops, and videos are right for you. If, for any reason (or for no reason at all) you decide that it isn't worth it for you, then I'll give you a complete refund. No questions asked. No fine print. I trust you.

You Now Have Two Choices...

Choice #1 – Continue to go it alone and try to Frankenstein your speaking business together using the catch-as-catch-can method, in the hopes of coming up with your own PLAN that will get you where you want to be.

That can work. I won’t deny it. And if you put in the effort, time, and expense like I did – the long weekends, early mornings, late nights, on and on – you can do it. I know you have it in you.

But it won’t be easy. Or quick.

Choice #2 – You can follow a proven PLAN to book the gigs you want, with the clients you want, at the fees you want, when you want. You will have to put in some effort, it is your message and your career after all. Nothing of value comes totally free.

But you won’t have to tear your hair out struggling to figure out what to do or how to do it. Because it will all be laid out for you already. Plus you’ll have me at your side, holding you up and helping you move forward every step of the way.

It should be an easy decision. Don’t delay. Don’t let this slip away.

Thousands of speakers have gotten the same emails you did. This will sell out. My programs always do. The only question is who makes the cut and who will be playing catch-the-competition.

Still undecided? Consider this...

This Might NOT Be For You If... plan a lot, but rarely do. tend to blame external circumstances when things go wrong. lack self-discipline and break promises to yourself. think a program like this is an expense instead of an investment. have thin skin or give up too easily. are hoping for tiny improvements. like to pay for a professional opinion, then debate it.

But it Might Be For You If... have a strong desire to HELP people. feel like you are called to share a message or a story. make time for the tasks that are important to you want to grow your speaking game by leaps and bounds. want to cut the learning curve and avoid the painful, costly, embarrassing, and INEVITABLE mistakes that will set you back years. want a proven process of action and a bunch of new friends to follow it with!

So that's it. You can see why I believe so strongly that this is the absolute best program out there for getting paid speaking gigs in the corporate market.

You can see why I personally guarantee it.

There's no stone unturned. You get the information, the tools, the personal help, and the ongoing support that you're going to need to create the successful speaking lifestyle that you know is available to you.

There's no need for you to have to tolerate more of the same.

I can't wait to help you make 2024 your breakthrough year.

$peak $oon!
- Tim David

P.S. Listen. Most people are afraid of public speaking...

But I bet that you're more afraid of NOT Speaking!

You can't transform other people's lives until you transform your own.

Take that step. Don’t sit out and watch other speakers succeed without you. You know you have everything it takes to succeed, all you need is to put the right PLAN in place.

It's YOUR time. Now. 2024 is YOUR year. Don’t miss out.

P.P.S. Every one of our success stories (including everyone in the video below) started right where you are now. Just as curious, maybe even skeptical, about the results they would get. The journey to six figures speaking starts here.


Earnings Disclaimer

Look, it's a legal obligation for us to include this...but it's also a moral one. While we try to ensure that this is an invite-only program, ANYBODY could be reading this; and nothing is a perfect fit for everybody. Be smart out there, people.

We at make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent our programs and their potential for income. However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials should not be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings.

The earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our programs, ideas, and techniques. We do not purport this as a "get rich scheme."

Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge, and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level.

Any income statements or examples of income are only estimates of what we think you could earn. There is no assurance you will do as well as stated in any examples. If you rely upon any figures provided, you must accept the entire risk of not doing as well as the information provided. All claims of actual user results should be verified.

This site and the products offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by any business mentioned on this site, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by any other company listed on this site. is not a financial advisor and any information provided here is for educational purposes only. You should consult with a financial advisor for financial advice.